Go to the documentation of this file.
11 #include <dmlc/io.h> // for Serializable
12 #include <xgboost/base.h> // for bst_feature_t, bst_target_t, bst_float, Args, GradientPair, ..
13 #include <xgboost/context.h> // for Context
14 #include <xgboost/linalg.h> // for Tensor, TensorView
15 #include <xgboost/metric.h> // for Metric
16 #include <xgboost/model.h> // for Configurable, Model
17 #include <xgboost/span.h> // for Span
18 #include <xgboost/task.h> // for ObjInfo
20 #include <algorithm> // for max
21 #include <cstdint> // for int32_t, uint32_t, uint8_t
22 #include <map> // for map
23 #include <memory> // for shared_ptr, unique_ptr
24 #include <string> // for string
25 #include <utility> // for move
26 #include <vector> // for vector
28 namespace xgboost {
29 class FeatureMap;
30 class Metric;
31 class GradientBooster;
32 class ObjFunction;
33 class DMatrix;
34 class Json;
35 struct XGBAPIThreadLocalEntry;
36 template <typename T>
37 class HostDeviceVector;
39 enum class PredictionType : std::uint8_t { // NOLINT
40  kValue = 0,
41  kMargin = 1,
42  kContribution = 2,
44  kInteraction = 4,
46  kLeaf = 6
47 };
65 class Learner : public Model, public Configurable, public dmlc::Serializable {
66  public:
68  ~Learner() override;
72  virtual void Configure() = 0;
79  virtual void UpdateOneIter(int iter, std::shared_ptr<DMatrix> train) = 0;
87  virtual void BoostOneIter(int iter,
88  std::shared_ptr<DMatrix> train,
89  HostDeviceVector<GradientPair>* in_gpair) = 0;
97  virtual std::string EvalOneIter(int iter,
98  const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DMatrix>>& data_sets,
99  const std::vector<std::string>& data_names) = 0;
113  virtual void Predict(std::shared_ptr<DMatrix> data, bool output_margin,
114  HostDeviceVector<bst_float>* out_preds, bst_layer_t layer_begin,
115  bst_layer_t layer_end, bool training = false, bool pred_leaf = false,
116  bool pred_contribs = false, bool approx_contribs = false,
117  bool pred_interactions = false) = 0;
129  virtual void InplacePredict(std::shared_ptr<DMatrix> p_m, PredictionType type, float missing,
130  HostDeviceVector<float>** out_preds, bst_layer_t layer_begin,
131  bst_layer_t layer_end) = 0;
136  virtual void CalcFeatureScore(std::string const& importance_type,
138  std::vector<bst_feature_t>* features,
139  std::vector<float>* scores) = 0;
141  /*
142  * \brief Get number of boosted rounds from gradient booster.
143  */
144  virtual int32_t BoostedRounds() const = 0;
148  virtual std::uint32_t Groups() const = 0;
150  void LoadModel(Json const& in) override = 0;
151  void SaveModel(Json* out) const override = 0;
153  virtual void LoadModel(dmlc::Stream* fi) = 0;
154  virtual void SaveModel(dmlc::Stream* fo) const = 0;
161  virtual void SetParams(Args const& args) = 0;
170  virtual void SetParam(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) = 0;
176  virtual uint32_t GetNumFeature() const = 0;
186  virtual void SetAttr(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) = 0;
194  virtual bool GetAttr(const std::string& key, std::string* out) const = 0;
200  virtual bool DelAttr(const std::string& key) = 0;
205  virtual std::vector<std::string> GetAttrNames() const = 0;
210  virtual void SetFeatureNames(std::vector<std::string> const& fn) = 0;
215  virtual void GetFeatureNames(std::vector<std::string>* fn) const = 0;
220  virtual void SetFeatureTypes(std::vector<std::string> const& ft) = 0;
225  virtual void GetFeatureTypes(std::vector<std::string>* ft) const = 0;
237  virtual Learner* Slice(bst_layer_t begin, bst_layer_t end, bst_layer_t step,
238  bool* out_of_bound) = 0;
246  virtual std::vector<std::string> DumpModel(const FeatureMap& fmap,
247  bool with_stats,
248  std::string format) = 0;
250  virtual XGBAPIThreadLocalEntry& GetThreadLocal() const = 0;
256  static Learner* Create(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DMatrix> >& cache_data);
260  virtual Context const* Ctx() const = 0;
265  virtual const std::map<std::string, std::string>& GetConfigurationArguments() const = 0;
267  protected:
269  std::unique_ptr<ObjFunction> obj_;
271  std::unique_ptr<GradientBooster> gbm_;
273  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Metric> > metrics_;
276 };
278 struct LearnerModelParamLegacy;
283 enum class MultiStrategy : std::int32_t {
284  kOneOutputPerTree = 0,
285  kMultiOutputTree = 1,
286 };
292  private:
297  linalg::Tensor<float, 1> base_score_;
299  public:
307  std::uint32_t num_output_group{0};
317  LearnerModelParam() = default;
318  // As the old `LearnerModelParamLegacy` is still used by binary IO, we keep
319  // this one as an immutable copy.
320  LearnerModelParam(Context const* ctx, LearnerModelParamLegacy const& user_param,
322  LearnerModelParam(LearnerModelParamLegacy const& user_param, ObjInfo t,
325  std::uint32_t n_groups, bst_target_t n_targets, MultiStrategy multi_strategy)
326  : base_score_{std::move(base_score)},
327  num_feature{n_features},
328  num_output_group{std::max(n_groups, n_targets)},
332  [[nodiscard]] linalg::TensorView<float const, 1> BaseScore(std::int32_t device) const;
334  void Copy(LearnerModelParam const& that);
335  [[nodiscard]] bool IsVectorLeaf() const noexcept {
337  }
338  [[nodiscard]] bst_target_t OutputLength() const noexcept { return this->num_output_group; }
339  [[nodiscard]] bst_target_t LeafLength() const noexcept {
340  return this->IsVectorLeaf() ? this->OutputLength() : 1;
341  }
343  /* \brief Whether this parameter is initialized with LearnerModelParamLegacy. */
344  [[nodiscard]] bool Initialized() const { return num_feature != 0 && num_output_group != 0; }
345 };
347 } // namespace xgboost
348 #endif // XGBOOST_LEARNER_H_
Defines configuration macros and basic types for xgboost.
Feature map data structure to help text model dump. TODO(tqchen) consider make it even more lightweig...
Definition: feature_map.h:22
Definition: host_device_vector.h:87
Data structure representing JSON format.
Definition: json.h:357
Learner class that does training and prediction. This is the user facing module of xgboost training....
Definition: learner.h:65
virtual std::vector< std::string > GetAttrNames() const =0
Get a vector of attribute names from the booster.
virtual void InplacePredict(std::shared_ptr< DMatrix > p_m, PredictionType type, float missing, HostDeviceVector< float > **out_preds, bst_layer_t layer_begin, bst_layer_t layer_end)=0
Inplace prediction.
virtual void SetParam(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)=0
Set parameter for booster.
virtual void LoadModel(dmlc::Stream *fi)=0
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Metric > > metrics_
The evaluation metrics used to evaluate the model.
Definition: learner.h:273
virtual void CalcFeatureScore(std::string const &importance_type, common::Span< int32_t const > trees, std::vector< bst_feature_t > *features, std::vector< float > *scores)=0
Calculate feature score. See doc in C API for outputs.
virtual std::vector< std::string > DumpModel(const FeatureMap &fmap, bool with_stats, std::string format)=0
dump the model in the requested format
virtual std::string EvalOneIter(int iter, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< DMatrix >> &data_sets, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names)=0
evaluate the model for specific iteration using the configured metrics.
~Learner() override
virtual destructor
virtual XGBAPIThreadLocalEntry & GetThreadLocal() const =0
virtual const std::map< std::string, std::string > & GetConfigurationArguments() const =0
Get configuration arguments currently stored by the learner.
virtual void SetFeatureNames(std::vector< std::string > const &fn)=0
Set the feature names for current booster.
virtual void SaveModel(dmlc::Stream *fo) const =0
virtual Context const * Ctx() const =0
Return the context object of this Booster.
virtual void BoostOneIter(int iter, std::shared_ptr< DMatrix > train, HostDeviceVector< GradientPair > *in_gpair)=0
Do customized gradient boosting with in_gpair. in_gair can be mutated after this call.
virtual void Configure()=0
Configure Learner based on set parameters.
virtual int32_t BoostedRounds() const =0
virtual bool DelAttr(const std::string &key)=0
Delete an attribute from the booster.
virtual bool GetAttr(const std::string &key, std::string *out) const =0
Get attribute from the booster. The property will be saved along the booster.
virtual void SetParams(Args const &args)=0
Set multiple parameters at once.
virtual void UpdateOneIter(int iter, std::shared_ptr< DMatrix > train)=0
update the model for one iteration With the specified objective function.
virtual void SetAttr(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)=0
Set additional attribute to the Booster.
std::unique_ptr< ObjFunction > obj_
objective function
Definition: learner.h:269
std::unique_ptr< GradientBooster > gbm_
The gradient booster used by the model.
Definition: learner.h:271
virtual void GetFeatureNames(std::vector< std::string > *fn) const =0
Get the feature names for current booster.
void LoadModel(Json const &in) override=0
load the model from a JSON object
virtual void SetFeatureTypes(std::vector< std::string > const &ft)=0
Set the feature types for current booster.
void SaveModel(Json *out) const override=0
saves the model config to a JSON object
static Learner * Create(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< DMatrix > > &cache_data)
Create a new instance of learner.
virtual Learner * Slice(bst_layer_t begin, bst_layer_t end, bst_layer_t step, bool *out_of_bound)=0
Slice the model.
Context ctx_
Training parameter.
Definition: learner.h:275
virtual std::uint32_t Groups() const =0
Get the number of output groups from the model.
virtual void Predict(std::shared_ptr< DMatrix > data, bool output_margin, HostDeviceVector< bst_float > *out_preds, bst_layer_t layer_begin, bst_layer_t layer_end, bool training=false, bool pred_leaf=false, bool pred_contribs=false, bool approx_contribs=false, bool pred_interactions=false)=0
get prediction given the model.
virtual uint32_t GetNumFeature() const =0
Get the number of features of the booster.
virtual void GetFeatureTypes(std::vector< std::string > *ft) const =0
Get the feature types for current booster.
span class implementation, based on ISO++20 span<T>. The interface should be the same.
Definition: span.h:424
A tensor view with static type and dimension. It implements indexing and slicing.
Definition: linalg.h:293
Linear algebra related utilities.
interface of evaluation metric function supported in xgboost.
Defines the abstract interface for different components in XGBoost.
Definition: intrusive_ptr.h:207
namespace of xgboost
Definition: base.h:90
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > Args
Definition: base.h:316
uint32_t bst_feature_t
Type for data column (feature) index.
Definition: base.h:101
Definition: learner.h:39
std::uint32_t bst_target_t
Type for indexing into output targets.
Definition: base.h:118
std::int32_t bst_layer_t
Type for indexing boosted layers.
Definition: base.h:122
Strategy for building multi-target models.
Definition: learner.h:283
Definition: model.h:31
Runtime context for XGBoost. Contains information like threads and device.
Definition: context.h:84
Basic model parameters, used to describe the booster.
Definition: learner.h:291
std::uint32_t num_output_group
The number of classes or targets.
Definition: learner.h:307
LearnerModelParam(Context const *ctx, LearnerModelParamLegacy const &user_param, linalg::Tensor< float, 1 > base_margin, ObjInfo t, MultiStrategy multi_strategy)
bool Initialized() const
Definition: learner.h:344
LearnerModelParam(bst_feature_t n_features, linalg::Tensor< float, 1 > base_score, std::uint32_t n_groups, bst_target_t n_targets, MultiStrategy multi_strategy)
Definition: learner.h:324
MultiStrategy multi_strategy
Strategy for building multi-target models.
Definition: learner.h:315
linalg::TensorView< float const, 1 > BaseScore(std::int32_t device) const
bst_target_t OutputLength() const noexcept
Definition: learner.h:338
LearnerModelParam(LearnerModelParamLegacy const &user_param, ObjInfo t, MultiStrategy multi_strategy)
void Copy(LearnerModelParam const &that)
linalg::TensorView< float const, 1 > BaseScore(Context const *ctx) const
bst_target_t LeafLength() const noexcept
Definition: learner.h:339
ObjInfo task
Current task, determined by objective.
Definition: learner.h:311
bool IsVectorLeaf() const noexcept
Definition: learner.h:335
bst_feature_t num_feature
The number of features.
Definition: learner.h:303
Definition: model.h:17
A struct returned by objective, which determines task at hand. The struct is not used by any algorith...
Definition: task.h:24
@ kRegression
Definition: task.h:27