Migration Guide: How to migrate to XGBoost4j-Spark jvm 3.x

XGBoost4j-Spark jvm packages underwent significant modifications in version 3.0, which may cause compatibility issues with existing user code.

This guide will walk you through the process of updating your code to ensure it’s compatible with XGBoost4j-Spark 3.0 and later versions.

XGBoost4j Spark Packages

XGBoost4j-Spark 3.0 has assembled xgboost4j package into xgboost4j-spark_2.12-3.0.0.jar, which means you can now simply use xgboost4j-spark for your application.

  • For CPU

  • For GPU


When submitting the XGBoost application to the Spark cluster, you only need to specify the single xgboost4j-spark package.

  • For CPU

    spark-submit \
      --jars xgboost4j-spark_2.12-3.0.0.jar \
      ... \
  • For GPU

    spark-submit \
      --jars xgboost4j-spark-gpu_2.12-3.0.0.jar \
      ... \

XGBoost Ranking

Learning to rank using XGBoostRegressor has been replaced by a dedicated XGBoostRanker, which is specifically designed to support ranking algorithms.

// before xgboost4j-spark 3.0
val regressor = new XGBoostRegressor().setObjective("rank:ndcg")

// after xgboost4j-spark 3.0
val ranker = new XGBoostRanker()

Removed Parameters

Starting from xgboost4j-spark 3.0, below parameters are removed.

  • cacheTrainingSet

    If you wish to cache the training dataset, you have the option to implement caching in your code prior to fitting the data to an estimator.

    val df = input.cache()
    val model = new XGBoostClassifier().fit(df)
  • trainTestRatio

    The following method can be employed to do the evaluation.

    val Array(train, eval) = trainDf.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))
    val classifier = new XGBoostClassifer().setEvalDataset(eval)
    val model = classifier.fit(train)
  • tracker_conf

    The following method can be used to configure RabitTracker.

    val classifier = new XGBoostClassifer()
  • rabitRingReduceThreshold

  • rabitTimeout

  • rabitConnectRetry

  • singlePrecisionHistogram

  • lambdaBias

  • objectiveType