
package java

Type Members

  1. class Booster extends Serializable with KryoSerializable

    Booster for xgboost, this is a model API that support interactive build of a XGBoost Model

  2. class DMatrix extends AnyRef

    DMatrix for xgboost.

  3. class ExternalCheckpointManager extends AnyRef
  4. trait IEvaluation extends Serializable

    interface for customized evaluation

  5. trait IObjective extends Serializable

    interface for customize Object function

  6. trait IRabitTracker extends UncaughtExceptionHandler

    Interface for Rabit tracker implementations with three public methods:

    Interface for Rabit tracker implementations with three public methods:

    • start(timeout): Start the Rabit tracker awaiting for worker connections, with a given timeout value (in milliseconds.)
    • getWorkerEnvs(): Return the environment variables needed to initialize Rabit clients.
    • waitFor(timeout): Wait for the task execution by the worker nodes for at most timeout milliseconds.

    Each implementation is expected to implement a callback function

    public void uncaughtException(Threat t, Throwable e) { ... }

    to interrupt waitFor() in order to prevent the tracker from hanging indefinitely.

    The Rabit tracker handles connections from distributed workers, assigns ranks to workers, and brokers connections between workers.

  7. class Rabit extends AnyRef

    Rabit global class for synchronization.

  8. class RabitTracker extends IRabitTracker

    Java implementation of the Rabit tracker to coordinate distributed workers.

    Java implementation of the Rabit tracker to coordinate distributed workers. As a wrapper of the Python Rabit tracker, this implementation does not handle timeout for both start() and waitFor() methods (i.e., the timeout is infinite.)

    For systems lacking Python environment, or for timeout functionality, consider using the Scala Rabit tracker (ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.rabit.RabitTracker) which does not depend on Python, and provides timeout support.

    The tracker must be started on driver node before running distributed jobs.

  9. class TrackerProperties extends AnyRef
  10. class XGBoost extends AnyRef

    trainer for xgboost

  11. class XGBoostError extends Exception

    custom error class for xgboost
