xgboost Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for xgboost:


directory  collective


file  base.h [code]
 defines configuration macros of xgboost.
file  c_api.h [code]
 C API of XGBoost, used for interfacing to other languages.
file  data.h [code]
 The input data structure of xgboost.
file  feature_map.h [code]
 Feature map data structure to help visualization and model dump.
file  gbm.h [code]
 Interface of gradient booster, that learns through gradient statistics.
file  generic_parameters.h [code]
file  global_config.h [code]
 Global configuration for XGBoost.
file  host_device_vector.h [code]
 A device-and-host vector abstraction layer.
file  intrusive_ptr.h [code]
 Implementation of Intrusive Ptr.
file  json.h [code]
file  json_io.h [code]
file  learner.h [code]
 Learner interface that integrates objective, gbm and evaluation together. This is the user facing XGBoost training module.
file  linalg.h [code]
 Linear algebra related utilities.
file  linear_updater.h [code]
file  metric.h [code]
 interface of evaluation metric function supported in xgboost.
file  model.h [code]
 Defines the abstract interface for different components in XGBoost.
file  objective.h [code]
 interface of objective function used by xgboost.
file  parameter.h [code]
 macro for using C++11 enum class as DMLC parameter
file  predictor.h [code]
 Interface of predictor, performs predictions for a gradient booster.
file  span.h [code]
file  string_view.h [code]
file  task.h [code]
file  tree_model.h [code]
 model structure for tree
file  tree_updater.h [code]
 General primitive for tree learning, Updating a collection of trees given the information.
file  version_config.h [code]