Go to the end to download the full example code.
Demonstration for parsing JSON/UBJSON tree model files
See Introduction to Model IO for details about the model serialization.
import argparse
import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import IntEnum, unique
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Union
import numpy as np
import ubjson
except ImportError:
ubjson = None
ParamT = Dict[str, str]
def to_integers(data: Union[bytes, List[int]]) -> List[int]:
"""Convert a sequence of bytes to a list of Python integer"""
return [v for v in data]
class SplitType(IntEnum):
numerical = 0
categorical = 1
class Node:
# properties
left: int
right: int
parent: int
split_idx: int
split_cond: float
default_left: bool
split_type: SplitType
categories: List[int]
# statistic
base_weight: float
loss_chg: float
sum_hess: float
class Tree:
"""A tree built by XGBoost."""
def __init__(self, tree_id: int, nodes: Sequence[Node]) -> None:
self.tree_id = tree_id
self.nodes = nodes
def loss_change(self, node_id: int) -> float:
"""Loss gain of a node."""
return self.nodes[node_id].loss_chg
def sum_hessian(self, node_id: int) -> float:
"""Sum Hessian of a node."""
return self.nodes[node_id].sum_hess
def base_weight(self, node_id: int) -> float:
"""Base weight of a node."""
return self.nodes[node_id].base_weight
def split_index(self, node_id: int) -> int:
"""Split feature index of node."""
return self.nodes[node_id].split_idx
def split_condition(self, node_id: int) -> float:
"""Split value of a node."""
return self.nodes[node_id].split_cond
def split_categories(self, node_id: int) -> List[int]:
"""Categories in a node."""
return self.nodes[node_id].categories
def is_categorical(self, node_id: int) -> bool:
"""Whether a node has categorical split."""
return self.nodes[node_id].split_type == SplitType.categorical
def is_numerical(self, node_id: int) -> bool:
return not self.is_categorical(node_id)
def parent(self, node_id: int) -> int:
"""Parent ID of a node."""
return self.nodes[node_id].parent
def left_child(self, node_id: int) -> int:
"""Left child ID of a node."""
return self.nodes[node_id].left
def right_child(self, node_id: int) -> int:
"""Right child ID of a node."""
return self.nodes[node_id].right
def is_leaf(self, node_id: int) -> bool:
"""Whether a node is leaf."""
return self.nodes[node_id].left == -1
def is_deleted(self, node_id: int) -> bool:
"""Whether a node is deleted."""
return self.split_index(node_id) == np.iinfo(np.uint32).max
def __str__(self) -> str:
stack = [0]
nodes = []
while stack:
node: Dict[str, Union[float, int, List[int]]] = {}
nid = stack.pop()
node["node id"] = nid
node["gain"] = self.loss_change(nid)
node["cover"] = self.sum_hessian(nid)
if not self.is_leaf(nid) and not self.is_deleted(nid):
left = self.left_child(nid)
right = self.right_child(nid)
categories = self.split_categories(nid)
if categories:
assert self.is_categorical(nid)
node["categories"] = categories
assert self.is_numerical(nid)
node["condition"] = self.split_condition(nid)
if self.is_leaf(nid):
node["weight"] = self.split_condition(nid)
string = "\n".join(map(lambda x: " " + str(x), nodes))
return string
class Model:
"""Gradient boosted tree model."""
def __init__(self, model: dict) -> None:
"""Construct the Model from a JSON object.
model : A dictionary loaded by json representing a XGBoost boosted tree model.
# Basic properties of a model
self.learner_model_shape: ParamT = model["learner"]["learner_model_param"]
self.num_output_group = int(self.learner_model_shape["num_class"])
self.num_feature = int(self.learner_model_shape["num_feature"])
self.base_score = float(self.learner_model_shape["base_score"])
# A field encoding which output group a tree belongs
self.tree_info = model["learner"]["gradient_booster"]["model"]["tree_info"]
model_shape: ParamT = model["learner"]["gradient_booster"]["model"][
# JSON representation of trees
j_trees = model["learner"]["gradient_booster"]["model"]["trees"]
# Load the trees
self.num_trees = int(model_shape["num_trees"])
trees: List[Tree] = []
for i in range(self.num_trees):
tree: Dict[str, Any] = j_trees[i]
tree_id = int(tree["id"])
assert tree_id == i, (tree_id, i)
# - properties
left_children: List[int] = tree["left_children"]
right_children: List[int] = tree["right_children"]
parents: List[int] = tree["parents"]
split_conditions: List[float] = tree["split_conditions"]
split_indices: List[int] = tree["split_indices"]
# when ubjson is used, this is a byte array with each element as uint8
default_left = to_integers(tree["default_left"])
# - categorical features
# when ubjson is used, this is a byte array with each element as uint8
split_types = to_integers(tree["split_type"])
# categories for each node is stored in a CSR style storage with segment as
# the begin ptr and the `categories' as values.
cat_segments: List[int] = tree["categories_segments"]
cat_sizes: List[int] = tree["categories_sizes"]
# node index for categorical nodes
cat_nodes: List[int] = tree["categories_nodes"]
assert len(cat_segments) == len(cat_sizes) == len(cat_nodes)
cats = tree["categories"]
assert len(left_children) == len(split_types)
# The storage for categories is only defined for categorical nodes to
# prevent unnecessary overhead for numerical splits, we track the
# categorical node that are processed using a counter.
cat_cnt = 0
if cat_nodes:
last_cat_node = cat_nodes[cat_cnt]
last_cat_node = -1
node_categories: List[List[int]] = []
for node_id in range(len(left_children)):
if node_id == last_cat_node:
beg = cat_segments[cat_cnt]
size = cat_sizes[cat_cnt]
end = beg + size
node_cats = cats[beg:end]
# categories are unique for each node
assert len(set(node_cats)) == len(node_cats)
cat_cnt += 1
if cat_cnt == len(cat_nodes):
last_cat_node = -1 # continue to process the rest of the nodes
last_cat_node = cat_nodes[cat_cnt]
assert node_cats
# append an empty node, it's either a numerical node or a leaf.
# - stats
base_weights: List[float] = tree["base_weights"]
loss_changes: List[float] = tree["loss_changes"]
sum_hessian: List[float] = tree["sum_hessian"]
# Construct a list of nodes that have complete information
nodes: List[Node] = [
default_left[node_id] == 1, # to boolean
for node_id in range(len(left_children))
pytree = Tree(tree_id, nodes)
self.trees = trees
def print_model(self) -> None:
for i, tree in enumerate(self.trees):
print("\ntree_id:", i)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Demonstration for loading XGBoost JSON/UBJSON model."
"--model", type=str, required=True, help="Path to .json/.ubj model file."
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.model.endswith("json"):
# use json format
with open(args.model, "r") as fd:
model = json.load(fd)
elif args.model.endswith("ubj"):
if ubjson is None:
raise ImportError("ubjson is not installed.")
# use ubjson format
with open(args.model, "rb") as bfd:
model = ubjson.load(bfd)
raise ValueError(
"Unexpected file extension. Supported file extension are json and ubj."
model = Model(model)